Sell my house fast in Greeley, Colorado with an iBuyer
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Greeley real estate market overview
- Average Monthly Rent: $1,430
- Home Price/Value Percentage Change: 0.00%
- Median Home Value: $416,532
- Best Time To Sell a Home: August
- Affordability Index: Moderate
- Days To Sell a House: 47
- Job Market: Fair
- Public School Ranking: 24
Location and weather
Greeley is located 50 miles northeast of Denver, at an elevation of 4,665 feet. The area of Greeley has both the South Platte River and the Cache la Poudre River running through it, which makes it the perfect area for recreational activities.
Greeley summers are warm and clear, while the winters are cold and dry. Summer temperatures are in the 80's, with lows in the 60's. The winter temperatures are in the 40's, with lows reaching under 20 degrees.

Population, job market and cost of living
The population of Greeley in 2023 is 113,568, with a growth rate of 1.42%.
The job growth has decreased by -6.06% and in ten years, is predicted to have increased by 49.01%. The largest industries are in agriculture, energy production, food processing, business services, manufacturing, health and wellness, education and construction. The largest employers are JBS USA, Pilgrim's, Hensel Phelps, Weld County Government and University of Northern Colorado.
The cost of living is high, due to the Greeley real estate market and high cost of available housing. With its sights and thriving outdoor lifestyle, good job growth and availability in academic institutions, Greeley will continue to attract those that want to live in a scenic setting.
Greeley real estate market details
- City Center
- Westmoor Acres
- 28th St-35th Ave
- Chapters
- Promontory Point
The average monthly rent in Greeley is $1,430 for an average apartment size of 798 sq. feet.
There has been a 0.0% increase in median home value over the last year. As of 2023, the median home value is $416,532.
On average, homes in Greeley sell after 47 days on the market.
The best time to sell a home for the highest valued sale is during August. For the quickest sale, homeowners should sell in May.
The affordability index in Greeley is 104. This number indicates moderate affordability in this city.
The top ranked public schools are Early College Academy, Innovative Connections High School, Frontier Charter Academy, Winograd K-8 Elementary School and West Ridge Academy. This information is based on data measuring academic performance and equity.