Sell my house fast in Lincoln, Nebraska with an iBuyer
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Lincoln real estate market overview
- Average Monthly Rent: $1,191
- Home Price/Value Percentage Change: 4.00%
- Median Home Value: $264,374
- Best Time To Sell a Home: October
- Affordability Index: Moderate
- Days To Sell a House: 14
- Job Market: Weak
- Public School Ranking: 9
Location and weather
Lincoln can be found within The Dissected Till Plains region of Nebraska. It is the capitol and second most populous city in the state. It is located in Lancaster County, and is home to the University of Nebraska. Lincoln is known for hosting a variety of events, and offers unique dining experiences, museums, tours, and 125 different parks to those who live there.
Residents, students, and tourists alike can spend their days exploring trails, taking trips to the nearby city of Omaha, or walking around to different museums, such as the Sheldon Museum of Art. At night, a popular spot to check out is O Street. This area features Club Karma and several other night-life venues. The public schools are also well-rated, which is another advantage for those who have young ones.
The weather in Lincoln consists of humid summers and cold, windy winters. Summer temperatures have highs in the 80's and lows in the 50's. Winters have highs in the 40's and lows in the teens.

Population, job market and cost of living
The population in Lincoln is 300,892, and has a growing rate of 1.1%.
The job growth here has decreased by -2.15% over the last year and in ten years, is predicted to have increased by 31.12%. Prominent industries to work for include insurance and financial services, manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, and the service industry. The biggest companies to work for in Lincoln are University of Nebraska System, Nelnet, Crete Carrier, Concord Hospitality and Lincoln Public Schools.
The cost of living in this city is below the US average, and housing remains the largest contributor to its price. Lincoln has maintained its reputation of having impressive schools, an affordable living cost, and an active art culture. If you're someone who is looking for a home with similar qualities, you should consider the city of Lincoln.
Lincoln real estate market details
- West A.
- Clinton
- Malone
- Near South
- Country Club
The average monthly rent in Lincoln is $1,191 for an average apartment size of 943 sq. feet.
There has been a 4% increase in median home value over the last year. As of 2023, the median home value is $264,374.
The best time to sell a home for the highest valued sale is during October. For the quickest sale, homeowners should sell in August.
On average, homes in Lincoln after 14 days on the market.
The affordability index in Lincoln is 92. This number indicates moderate affordability in this city.
The top ranked public schools are Kloefkorn Elementary School, Adams Elementary School, Moore Middle School, Wysong Elementary School and Humann Elementary School. This information is based on data measuring academic performance and equity.