Sell my house fast in Clarksville, Tennessee with an iBuyer
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Clarksville real estate market overview
- Average Monthly Rent: $883
- Home Price/Value Percentage Change: 6.60%
- Median Home Value: $289,835
- Best Time To Sell a Home: April
- Affordability Index: Moderate
- Days To Sell a House: 56
- Job Market: Fair
- Public School Ranking: 28
Location and weather
Clarksville is located in Montgomery county, and is closest to the cities of St. Bethlehem and Cumberland Heights. It has been named the 9th fastest growing city in the nation and the 5th biggest city in the state. Clarksville has many parks, such as the Liberty Park and Arena, trails and caves, making it the ideal place for those with children who enjoy the outdoors.
This city also has a rich history. Not only is Clarksville a neighbor of the Fort Campbell United States Army Base, but the name "Clarksville" was actually influenced by the revolutionary war hero, General George Rogers Clark. There are also many wineries, museums, boat tours, water sports and cultural centers.
Clarksville weather is partly cloudy year-round, with muggy summers and wet winters. Summer temperatures have highs in the 80's, with lows in the 60's. Winter temperatures have highs in the 50's, with lows in the mid 30's.

Population, job market and cost of living
The population of Clarksville is 176,859, with a growth rate of 1.95%.
The job growth has decreased by -4.34% over the last year and in ten years, is predicted to have increased by 36.79%. The most substantial industries in this city are retail trade, manufacturing, health care and social assistance. Some of the larger companies to work for are Del-Jen, Austin Peay State University, Gateway Health System Inc, Clarksville Volunteer Health Inc and Premier BPO.
Housing is the biggest contributor to living costs in Clarksville, but the overall cost is still less than the national average. If you're looking to live somewhere that's family friendly, with warm weather and affordable living, Clarksville might just be the perfect home for you.
Clarksville real estate market details
- New Providence
- Greenwood
- Madison Street
- Liberty Park
- West Creek
The average monthly rent in Clarksville is $883 for an average apartment size of 850 sq. feet.
There has been a 6.6% increase in median home value over the last year. As of 2023, the median home value is $289,835.
On average, homes in Clarksville sell after 56 days on the market.
The best time to sell a home for the highest valued sale is during April. For the quickest sale, homeowners should sell in July.
The affordability index in Clarksville is 89. This number indicates moderate affordability in this city.
The top ranked public schools are Rossview Elementary School, Carmel Elementary School, Sango Elementary School, East Montgomery Elementary School and Barksdale Elementary School. This information is based on data measuring academic performance and equity.