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Best Time To Sell a House in Colorado in Today’s Market

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best time to sell a house in Colorado

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Selling your home is one of the most significant decisions you’ll ever make. It’s more than just parting with bricks and mortar; it’s bidding farewell to cherished memories, a heavenly space, and maybe even a beloved community. Hence, securing the best possible price for your home should be a top priority. 

If you’re a homeowner in Colorado, listing your home at the right time will help you find a buyer quickly and make the most profit. The average time it takes to sell a home in Colorado is about 86 days, from listing to close. That is 51 days to receive an offer, plus the standard 35-day closing term.

Due to Colorado’s distinctive climate and real estate landscape, the state’s housing market experiences different seasonal trends. Understanding these patterns can help you take advantage of favorable market conditions and optimize the return on your property sale. 

Recent data paints a promising picture: home prices are up 9.0% year on year, with the median property selling for $599,500. This expansion is complemented by a 7.6% increase in home sales, with 5,299 transactions recorded this year, up significantly from 4,924 properties sold the previous year. 

With bidding wars becoming increasingly regular and homes consistently exceeding asking prices, increasing your ROI becomes even more crucial.

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Colorado’s Seasons: Understanding the Market

Colorado has four unique seasons, each of which influences buyer and seller activity in the real estate market. The peak home-selling season corresponds to the summer months when the weather is warm and pleasant. However, there are benefits and drawbacks to marketing your house at various times of the year.

Spring: The Prime Selling Season 

Spring, particularly from March to May, is widely regarded as the best time of year to list a home in Colorado. As the winter thaw begins, buyer demand often increases, with many families eager to settle into a new home before the start of the next school year.

The combination of increased buyer activity and temperate temperatures offers positive market circumstances for sellers. Homes listed in the spring months tend to sell faster and for higher prices than in other seasons of the year.

Summer: High Competition, High Interest

Summer, which runs from June to August, is another good season for home sales in Colorado. Warmer weather and school breaks encourage more prospective buyers to examine houses. However, the summer selling season is frequently more competitive because more homes come on the market at this time.

Autumn: A Window Of Opportunity 

Autumn, from September to November, might also be a good period to offer your house. While buyer activity often declines as the holiday season approaches, the fall months can still see strong interest, particularly for houses priced appropriately. Serious buyers may be more eager to finish a deal before winter arrives.

Winter: The Slow Season With Hidden Potential  

The winter months, December through February, are typically the slowest for home sales in Colorado. Fewer buyers are actively looking, thus homes posted during this time may sit on the market for longer. However, serious buyers who are property-looking in the winter may be more keen to make a purchase, creating an opportunity for astute sellers.

Month-By-Month Breakdown 

While spring reigns supreme, recognizing the intricacies of each month within the Colorado market offers useful insights:

January and February

These are the slowest months for home sales in Colorado, as buyer activity is often low in the winter. Homes advertised during this time may take longer to sell, and sellers may need to be more flexible with pricing.

March and April

As spring approaches, the real estate market starts to heat up. Buyer demand rises, and homes advertised in March and April typically sell faster than during the winter months. Prices tend to rise during this time.


May is generally the busiest month for house sales in Colorado. Buyer activity is high, and homes offered during this time typically sell at or above the asking price, often in just a few days on the market. May is a great month for sellers to list their houses.

June through August

As more homes come on the market during the summer selling season, competition increases. However, buyer demand remains high, and homes offered during these months can still sell quickly and for a good price.

September and October

The autumn months show a minor decrease in buyer activity, but the market remains very healthy. Home listings in September and October may take longer to sell than during the prime spring and summer seasons.

November and December

The winter holiday season causes a major slowdown in the Colorado housing market. Fewer buyers are actively looking, thus homes posted during this period may sit on the market for longer. However, serious buyers looking for a home in the winter can provide chances for sellers.

Listing Day Matters: A Strategic Choice 

When selling your home, timing is crucial. While the month of listing is important, the exact day might also affect your property sale. By deliberately selecting the day to offer your property, you can create a good impression on potential buyers and get a market edge.

Consider listing your home on Thursday or Friday. These days of the week have proven to be profitable for sellers. By doing so, you allow potential buyers to plan visits on weekends when they may have more spare time. This allows them to fully examine your property without feeling rushed or stressed for time.

Listing your house on a Thursday or Friday also has the added benefit of giving your property exposure throughout the weekend. Weekends are typically when most people have the time to browse through real estate listings and attend open houses. By listing your house on a Thursday or Friday, you ensure that your property stays fresh in the minds of potential buyers as they plan their weekend activities.

Advertising your home on a Thursday or Friday might create a sense of urgency for purchasers. When they see a new listing at the end of the week, they may feel forced to act immediately to schedule a viewing or make an offer. This can lead to increased interest and competition for your property, perhaps raising the final sale price.

Regional Variations 

It’s crucial to note that the best time to sell a property in Colorado might vary greatly depending on area and local market conditions. Here’s how the ideal selling season can vary across the state.

Ski Resort

Ski resort towns like Aspen and Breckenridge have distinct seasonal trends due to their focus on tourists and outdoor activities. The ideal time to sell in these areas is frequently during the winter season when people flock to the mountains to ski and snowboard. 

During the peak winter months, potential buyers flock to these places looking for holiday houses as well as investment properties. Consider marketing your property in late fall or early winter to attract eager buyers.

Suburban/ Exurban areas 

The real estate markets in suburban and exurban areas surrounding big cities such as Denver and Colorado Springs can exhibit distinct cycles. These locations frequently see stronger demand and price appreciation than rural sections of the state. 

Spring and summer are typically popular selling seasons in these suburban areas, coinciding with pleasant weather and the academic calendar (to allow families to move during school breaks). The suburban market may also benefit from proximity to metropolitan attractions and job areas, which can influence buyer interest all year round.

Rural areas 

Seasonal fluctuations are less pronounced here. Warmer months might see an increase in property sales as outdoor and leisure activities become more frequent. 

However, local economic conditions and lifestyle choices play a larger role. Be aware of potential slowdowns during harsh winters or periods of bad weather. 

Considerations Beyond Timing 

While timing your home sale to capitalize on good market circumstances is vital, it is not the only element influencing the success of your transaction. Other important considerations include:

  1. Market readiness: Regardless of when you list, you must ensure that your house is in excellent condition, appropriately staged, and priced competitively for your local market. Taking the effort to prepare your home for sale can result in a faster sale and a higher ultimate price.
  1. Personal circumstances: Your personal timetable and motivations for selling may take precedence over seasonal trends. If you need to sell your house quickly due to a job move, a divorce, or another life crisis, you may have to list at an off-peak time of year.
  1. Overall market conditions: The ideal timing to sell might be influenced by broader economic and real estate market developments. For example, if the property market is booming and inventory is limited, you may be able to sell your home at practically any time of year. 

Final Thoughts: Considering Your Personal Situation

Understanding the seasonal patterns and other critical aspects that impact the Colorado property market will help you position your home sale for success. While spring and early summer are typically the ideal times to list, the best method will be determined by your specific circumstances and local market conditions.

Therefore, weigh the options you have based on, say, how soon you need to sell your house, and what optimal condition is most accessible to you. If you can only hold on for a few days, you know which day would be best, and if you have a few months to spare you are also empowered with that knowledge. Whatever your situation, you can certainly sell your house at a good price.

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